Mr. Justin Chinyanta dismisses ZR’s article, praises Dr. Rajan Mahtani

It appears that Zambia Reports has taken things for granted. The type of content which Zambia Reports has been publishing for the last few months clearly indicates that it has hatched a conspiracy with other conspirators and is trying to defame Dr. Rajan Mahtani. In a recent publication from ZR, it was mentioned that Loita Group’s CEO has made ‘disparaging remarks’ for the former Finance Bank Chairman, Dr. Mahtani. However, on verification it was discovered that the story was fabricated and was intentionally published by Zambia Reports to injure the reputation of Dr. Mahtani.

As a matter of fact, the actual relationship between Justin Chinyanta (CEO of Loita Group) and Dr. Rajan Mahtani is based on brotherhood. Both admire each-other’s work ethics and are on friendly terms. On one incident, Mr. Chinyanta commented:


With such mutual respect for each other, it is shocking to find how deliberately ZR has tried to create a rift between the two. This has been one of several attempts which has been made by the conspirators to defame Dr. Mahtani and highlight him as a corrupt person.

As the fight of Portland Cement Zambia continues, there have been numerous attacks on Dr. Mahtani as the conspirators are well aware of the difference which his presence in Finsbury Investments makes. Their immediate objective is to distance Dr. Mahtani from the fight for ZPC and try to steal the ownership of the cement plant. However, they have failed to realize that the former Finance Bank Chairman will never allow injustice to take place in his motherland. Irrespective of who comes to disrupt the harmony of Zambia, he will always find an honest Zambian blocking his path and saving the livelihood of thousands.

There are also confirmed reports that Clare Locke LLP (for Dr. Rajan Mahtani) has requested GoDaddy to discontinue its hosting services for Zambia Reports because of the laws which it has violated.